Ep. 25 – The Searchers

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We are very excited for episode 25 of Classics. So, full disclosure here (no not the other Front Row show). This episode of Classics was actually recorded about 6 months ago in the middle of a recording blitz. It was on the schedule but then certain events led it to be put in the archive and it stayed there far longer than it should have! Well, better late than never as Classics ventures into the world of the Old West for the first time. This is the highest ranked western on the AFI’s list of the Top 100 films of all time. Starting the consummate cowboy John Wayne as a racist Civil War veteran on a rescue path of vengeance against the Indians that stole and killed his family, this film grapples with many important issues under the guise of an action-thriller.

IMDB Page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049730/

Featuring: Brandon Davis, Scott McFarland & Kevin Kulavic




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Please enjoy this episode of CLASSICS, and as always, we’ll see you in the front row!

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