Ep. 34 – A Star Is Born (1954)

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If you haven’t yet heard, there’s another remake of “A Star Is Born” that is blazing up the movie boards right now. So before you go off and take in Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga’s efforts, let’s all go back to 1954 to revisit the definitive version of the story. Starring a come-back tour-de-force performance from Judy Garland and one of the most underrated of James Mason’s career, this film proves that Judy still had plenty in the tank as a movie star and that some stories are perfect no matter the time it’s made. A film star helps a young singer and actress find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career on a downward spiral.

Featuring: Brandon Davis and Allison Means

IMDB Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047522/





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Please enjoy this episode of CLASSICS and as always, we’ll see you in the front row!

Ep. 15 – North By Northwest

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We kick off our MonsterCast promotion month of October by doing another classic from the master of suspense of himself; Alfred Hitchcock. This go-round we take our first in-depth look at Cary Grant’s work in the suspense and sardonically-filled masterpiece that is North By Northwest. Host Brandon Davis is joined by Jeremy Goeckner and Allison Means as they discuss the hilariousness of Cary Grant drunk, James Mason as the ultimate ass-hole voice and just how sexy was Eva Marie Saint in this movie?! Give it a listen and then see the film!

IMDB Page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053125/

Featuring: Brandon Davis, Jeremy Goeckner & Allison Means




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Please enjoy this episode of CLASSICS, and as always, we’ll see you in the front row!