Ep. 22 – Batman (1966) [FLASHBACK CROSSOVER]

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To honor the passing of the late Adam West we bring you a very special cross episode of Classics and Flashbacks. While many people now identify with the dark and serious incarnations of the Dark Knight, the first one to grace our screens was Adam’s. And while the campy fun of the series seems out of place nowadays, it was an indelible step forward for superheroes in mass media. And the 1966 movie was a truly remarkable representation of the TV Show. Classics and Flashback hosts Brandon Davis and Scott McFarland bring you this very special episode of the podcast.

IMDB Page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060153/

Featuring: Brandon Davis & Scott McFarland




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Please enjoy this episode of CLASSICS, and as always, we’ll see you in the front row!

Ep. 19 – Rocky

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It’s #OscarMonth here at The Front Row and all of our shows are bringing out their best of the best with Award-winners from the past. Classics gets into the spirit by diving into the 1976 Best Picture winner “Rocky”. Starring and co-written by a then-unknown short Italian named Sylvester Stallone, this film is the ultimate underdog story following small-time boxer and loan shark enforcer Rocky Balboa as he gets the rarest of chances: a fight for the Heavyweight Championship against the legend Apollo Creed. Filled with an amazing lead performance and one of the best music themes of all time, this film embodies the truest form of the American Spirit that with hard work and determination, you can achieve any dream. Brandon is joined by Scott McFarland and Kevin Kulavic.

IMDB Page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075148/

Featuring: Brandon Davis, Scott McFarland & Kevin Kulavic




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Please enjoy this episode of CLASSICS, and as always, we’ll see you in the front row!